10:30 AM Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh This will be a Five Points Cluster shared service, and we will contemplate the challenge MLK posed to Unitarian Universalists once upon a time as our Ware Lecturer in 1966, but reframed as a question: Did some of us sleep through the revolution? This service will be
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10:30 AM Led by Larry Cotton with Jericho Circle members Jericho Circle will be our Faith in Action donation partner recipient in January 2025. Larry Cotton is organizing a service presented with Jericho Circle members. This service will be in person in the Sanctuary and virtual on Zoom. The Zoom link to join us is:
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10:30 AM Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh, James Chubet, and the Worship Team Join your worship team of Rev. Clyde, Rev. Michelle and FPUU Music Director Jim as they lead you in an interactive healing service for the New Year. We will consider what healing means on the personal level, the congregational level and
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10:30 AM All Souls Braintree, 196 Elm Street, Braintree Hosted by All Souls guest Barbara Strassman, in person or via All Souls Braintree Zoom You are cordially invited to a transformative Sound Healing Journey. Immerse yourself in a symphony of soothing sounds and gentle vibrations, designed to soothe your mind, body, and soul. During this
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5:00 PM Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh, James Chubet, and the Worship Team Come join us for a traditional Christmas Eve service honoring the story of Jesus through scripture with lots of opportunities to sing traditional carols and engage in candle lighting sharing. Volunteers sought for different elements of this service, contact . There
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11:00 AM Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle Walsh and James Chubet, Music Director Sometimes we feel pressure to feel joyful around the holidays, and this can be particularly complex when we are struggling with recent losses or other types of personal challenges, including feelings about larger social or political events. Each year, we offer a
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During this time of isolation and virtual gatherings with little or no informal in-person connections, we need to be even more intentional in showing our appreciation. Have you read an inspiring article in the First Parish newsletter? Did the article give you a new perspective, a smile, something valuable to do as you isolate? Did
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We offer hybrid worship services from September to June, unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to join us in the Sanctuary, but if you are unable to be there in person or feel safer staying remote, the services are live on Zoom.
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