Welcoming Congregation Update

It’s approaching the time of winter when we embark on new learnings through our educational module. Diana L. asked for congregational input and received feedback requesting another assortment of TED talks on gender identity, as folks found them informative and since most were brief, they could be viewed and re-viewed easily at people’s convenience. Diana compiled a series of five TED talks that, in total, run about 75 minutes. We discussed these at a meeting on February 24. You may be interested in viewing these talks again or for the first time.

TED Talk links:

  1. Understanding the Complexities of Gender, with Sam Kellerman, approx. 16 min.

  2. The Biology of Gender from DNA to the Brain, with Karissa Sanbonmatsu, 13 min.

  3. The Real Pain and Tragedy Faced by Transgender Youth, with Daniella Carter, 11 min.

  4. The Radical Truths of Transgender Studies, with Levi Hord, 20 min.

  5. I’ve Lived as a Man and as a Woman, Here’s What I’ve Learned, with Paula Stone Williams, 15 min.

Queer and Trans Creators of Comics and Zines

If you would like to continue your learning in this area, Diana also is recommending this upcoming panel discussion organized by her daughter, Nia King (whom some of you may know since Nia grew up in FPUU since the age of 6 until she went to college). Diana writes this about her daughter: “She currently is an editor/writer in Swarthmore College’ communications office and as a cis-gendered, queer, bisexual identifying woman, often organizes GLBTQI events.” The panel is on Queer and Trans Creators of Comics and Zines through Swarthmore College, and you can register here for the Zoom presentation: https://swarthmore.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_NJEXfOTYR_mjWLoi4iWMIQ#/registration