I’ve been writing about covenant lately. My last two columns in this newsletter were about covenant. We had a “coffee hour discussion” about the redrafting process that the whole Unitarian Universalist Association has embarked upon involving the words of the covenant that forms our Association. Talking about covenant is important because it is how Unitarian
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The Rev. Erika A. Hewitt writes about courage: The word courage comes from the Latin cor, which means heart. According to poet Mark Nepo, the original use of the word courage meant to stand by one’s core: a “striking concept that reinforces the belief found in almost all traditions that living from the Center is
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There are over a thousand Unitarian Universalist congregations, community and advocacy ministries, and youth and student groups. In addition, there are support networks for identity-based groups, such as UU Scholars Network and the Diverse Revolutionary Unitarian Universalist Multicultural Ministries. There are thousands of individuals who consider themselves to be Unitarian Universalists but are not affiliated
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There is an old story that you may have heard. It goes like this: a driver from New York City is driving in northern New England and gets lost. He stops by a farm and asks a man driving a tractor “how do you get to Bangor?” The tractor driver looks puzzled and then replies
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On opening Sunday of this church year I was asked by a congregant, “what are you going to do to grow First Parish?” I suggested that I could do very little, but together we could do quite a lot. So the question might be rephrased. What are we going to do to prepare for growth?
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I am new to the congregation so I am still learning your ways. But I observe that the First Parish in Canton is in transition. For near three years the congregation was in pandemic mode, most operations and most activities were done online, or in small groups, and the staff worked from home. Now we
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