Upcoming Services

Sunday Services

This year

We offer hybrid worship services from September to June, unless otherwise noted. You are welcome to join us in the Sanctuary, but if you are unable to be there in person or feel safer staying remote, the services are live on Zoom.

January 26 – The 101 of Kindness for Our Times

January 26, 2025

10:30 AM

Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh

Kindness gets a bad rap at times for being weak or overly concerned with people-pleasing, being unrealistic, or being too child-like or too feminine – a negative story about ‘wearing rose-colored glasses’. Let’s consider a new story together of the significance and countercultural power of kindness for these particular times, one that undergirds our UU value of generosity and sets a new foundation for justice and transformation.

This service will be in person in the Sanctuary and virtual on Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/95664457049?pwd=RjBpWERkZWllQjk4TjJ4YnVNQ1NqZz09

Or by phone 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 956 6445 7049
Passcode: 607303

February 2 – Community Ministry Sunday: What is our Larger UU Ministry?

February 2, 2025

10:30 AM

Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh

Our Unitarian Universalist tradition formally recognizes ministry beyond the walls of our congregations as our larger ministry – community ministry. The first Sunday in February is formally dedicated to all the creative ways that Unitarian Universalists minister beyond the walls of our congregation. Come hear stories of the importance of lay and ordained community ministry and the struggles within our tradition for its formal recognition and inclusion, including its intersection with the 1960’s civil rights history for this Black History Month.

This service will be in person in the Sanctuary and virtual on Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/95664457049?pwd=RjBpWERkZWllQjk4TjJ4YnVNQ1NqZz09

Or by phone 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 956 6445 7049
Passcode: 607303

February 9 – Our Annual Chocolate Communion – Love Sunday

February 9, 2025

10:30 AM

Led by The FPUU Worship Team

Love is the doctrine of this congregation and love is at the center of our Unitarian Universalist values. For our annual chocolate communion Love Sunday, the Sunday falling near Valentine’s Day, let us celebrate our community and all who contribute to it in so many fabulous ways. Let us also honor our new members and long-term members, inclusive of all FPUU friends as well!

This service will be in person in the Sanctuary and virtual on Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/95664457049?pwd=RjBpWERkZWllQjk4TjJ4YnVNQ1NqZz09

Or by phone 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 956 6445 7049
Passcode: 607303

February 16 – Living our UU Values in Action

February 16, 2025

10:30 AM

Led by Special UU Mass Action Guest Speaker, Claire-Karl B.W. Müller

UU Mass Action is non-profit for UUs in Massachusetts to take action for justice at the state level. Claire Karl Müller, the Movement Building director at UU Mass Action will speak to how the organization works, what campaigns are happening now, and how you can get involved. UU Mass Action also is our Faith in Action donation partner recipient for February!

Claire Karl MullerBio: Claire-Karl is a force of nature. They are a 5th generation Germanic settler to Eastern Massachusetts and identify as a white, middle-class, non-binary, small-fat, queer organizer. Their values are curiosity, compassion, truth and people power. They feel called to work with other white middle class folks on racial, economic and climate justice and joined the team at UU Mass Action in 2020. They have organized at the local, state and federal level on climate and environmental justice since 2007, winning victories to stop pipelines, transition coal fired power plants to solar, and build community. Claire-Karl is coordinator of the statewide climate justice coalition Mass Power Forward, which they co-founded in 2015, as well as the UU Mass Action staff lead for Indigenous Solidarity.

This service will be in person in the Sanctuary and virtual on Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/95664457049?pwd=RjBpWERkZWllQjk4TjJ4YnVNQ1NqZz09

Or by phone 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 956 6445 7049
Passcode: 607303

February 23 – Unitarian Universalists and ‘The Black Empowerment Controversy’

February 23, 2025

10:30 AM

Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh

In our Community Ministry Sunday service, we lightly touched on the significance of James Reeb in the history of UU community ministry. At the close of this particular Black History month, let’s do a deeper dive into our history with the civil rights movement that partially shaped our larger association at the time of its consolidation in the 1960’s, including the 1969 walkout at our UUA General Assembly that nearly split our young association.

This service will be in person in the Sanctuary and virtual on Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is: https://zoom.us/j/95664457049?pwd=RjBpWERkZWllQjk4TjJ4YnVNQ1NqZz09

Or by phone 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 956 6445 7049
Passcode: 607303