First Parish Blog

February 23 – Unitarian Universalists and ‘The Black Empowerment Controversy’

By , January 14, 2025

10:30 AM

Led by Rev. Dr. Michelle A. Walsh

In our Community Ministry Sunday service, we lightly touched on the significance of James Reeb in the history of UU community ministry. At the close of this particular Black History month, let’s do a deeper dive into our history with the civil rights movement that partially shaped our larger association at the time of its consolidation in the 1960’s, including the 1969 walkout at our UUA General Assembly that nearly split our young association.

Order of Service

Hymn #153: Oh I Woke Up This Morning
Hymn #149: Lift Every Voice and Sing
Hymn #30: Over My Head

This service will be in person in the Sanctuary and virtual on Zoom.

The Zoom link to join us is:

Or by phone 1-929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 956 6445 7049
Passcode: 607303

One response to “February 23 – Unitarian Universalists and ‘The Black Empowerment Controversy’”

  1. Would it be possible for me to record the sermon portion of this service at 8:30 Arizona time for later showing at my Prescott AZ UU Fellowship at 11:00?
    Of course, we would send whatever you deem appropriate payment for this video.