Faith in Action

Each month, from September to June, we select an organization or charity to highlight and to request donations. After the last Sunday of each month, the donations are combined into one check from First Parish and sent to the organization.

February Faith in Action:
UU Mass Action

Since 2006 UU Mass Action ( has been organizing and mobilizing the 20,000 Unitarian Universalists and 142 congregations in Massachusetts to confront oppression.

Their pathways to justice are selected by identifying the priorities in which our congregations are engaged, engaging in our coalition partners’ shared priorities, assessing legislative momentum, and identifying who are the most vulnerable people in our Commonwealth. Current legislative campaigns include climate and environmental justice; decarceration and end solitary; housing and economic justice; immigrant justice; and indigenous justice.

To donate, use the envelopes in the pews, the PayPal Donate button on our website, or write a check. Be sure to add a note stating that the money is for Faith in Action (FIA). Thank you!