Religious Education
FPUU seeks to create an environment that is safe, welcoming, and loving for everyone who participates in our Religious Education program. By exploring together, we work to nourish a love of learning, a sense of curiosity, and the foundations for critical thinking among our children and youth. Our Religious Education program at First Parish UU Canton affirm and promotes the central theme of Unitarian Universalism, the seven principles. These Principles are explored through story, art, service, worship and UU curriculum.
- The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
- Justice, equity, and compassion in human relations.
- Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregation.
- A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.
- The right of conscience and the right of democratic process within our congregation and society at large.
- The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.
- Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.
These Are Some Learning Opportunities at FPUU
Child Care — Care for age 5 and younger. We provide a comfortable and engaging space where a child can begin to develop a relationship with their faith community. We are introducing the seven Unitarian Universalist principles through reading stories. There are two adults experienced in providing child care from 10:15-11:45 every Sunday there is a worship service. Parents: your child can stay with you during the service and/or you can bring your child to this group at any point during the designated time.
Spirit Play for kids — Children age 5 up through 5th grade is offered a curriculum called “Spirit Play,” where they can listen to and wonder about stories related to our whole-congregation monthly spiritual themes. Using a Montessori, story-based approach, Spirit Play encourages independent thinking, values different learning styles, gives children choices, and develops a sense of spiritual and Unitarian Universalist identity. Activities (called “work time” in Montessori terms) are varied and geared toward different ages.
Junior Youth — 6th – 8th graders explore world religions through a curriculum, “Building Bridges,” to deepen understanding, broaden awareness, nurture open-mindedness, and support faith. This foundation prepares them to participate in the Coming of Age program where children begin to articulate their personal faith and our award-winning sexuality education curriculum. 7th-9th grade OWL (Our whole Lives) is offered in alternating years.
High School/Senior Youth Group — 9th – 12th graders are invited to meet on selected Sunday mornings and selected Friday evenings to engage in a Principled Music curriculum and bring a friend Youth Breakfasts. We encourage them to create their own path of religious exploration. They often work on fun fundraising projects for the church and social justice efforts. All high school youth are also encouraged to attend and engage in the worship services or assist with RE for younger ones.
Worship for children and families:
- During most worship services, children are together with their families and the rest of the congregation for the first part of the service, often with a “Time for All Ages” before they leave for their RE groups. Parents can always opt to have their child or children stay with them during the whole service.
- Multigenerational Worship Services are for everyone and take place on selected Sunday mornings throughout the church year.
- Children’s Chapel happens once a month with theme-related activities and stories that prepare all of our children for participation in worship. It is a wonderful opportunity for building community across different ages.