Happening at First Parish…

For additional offerings at First Parish this year, visit the Adult Religious Education page.

Ongoing Events at FPUU

Sunday Brunch Potluck! First Sunday of the month – March 2. We are holding a Brunch Potluck after the Sunday service. A few food items, coffee and tea will be provided. We are asking everyone attending to bring the rest! See Barbara Foley for more info.

The Bible – What Is It and Why?: Second Sunday of the month – March 9 from 12:15pm to 1:15pm with Rev. Dr. Clyde Grubbs, Affiliate Community Minister. Please read Genesis and Exodus.

Lunch With Friends: Third Thursday of the month – March 20 at noon in Parish Hall. Under new management with Barbara Foley, bring a bag lunch and share a meal time with FPUU friends!


Neponset River Mind Body Spirit Center

A program of the Neponset River Unitarian Universalist Community under the First Parish Unitarian Universalist-Canton

The Neponset River Unitarian Universalist Community (NRUUC) of the First Parish Unitarian Universalist-Canton is offering FUN FREE programs on Thursday afternoons at 1 PM to explore connections between our minds, our bodies, and our spirit. These programs are open to the general Neponset River community without charge, though donations always are appreciated! No religious affiliation required! Location: 1508 Washington Street, Canton.

First Thursdays of the Month
from 1 – 2 PM
Get Your Body Groove On!

We’ll dance our way to deeper joy and health accompanied by segments from a video exercise program known as “Body Groove.” This program is diverse in representing and honoring all body types and abilities and is diverse by race and age as well! You should always consult your physician before trying this, and we’ll have a release to sign, and exercising from chairs also is welcome. It’s lots of fun to try!

Second and Fourth Thursdays of the Month
from 1 – 2 PM
Zen Buddhist Meditation Group

Drawing on the practices of the late Zen Buddhist Vietnamese monk, Thich Nhat Hanh, we’ll practice siting and walking meditation together and share in readings and mindful eating with healthy snacks.

Third Thursdays of the Month
from 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Exploring Your Spirituality

Drawing on a nonreligious theme-based curriculum called “Soul Matters,” we’ll explore through conversations, and sometimes the arts and music, different spiritual themes. The upcoming themes are “Inclusion” for February 2025 and “Trust” for March 2025. Each person will receive a free booklet to take home for further fun spiritual practices.