New England Region UUA
New England Regional staff encourages and supports our congregations to take a deep interest in each other; to consider best practices together; to model spiritual leadership with one another; and to share their stories of doubt, risk and transformation. By cultivating connections among our congregations, we seek to inspire new and innovative models of doing church and coach existing congregations to a deeper and a wider practice of faith, hope and love.
Their mission is to equip and support religious professionals and lay leaders for healthy, vibrant Unitarian Universalist ministries. The New England Region UUA staff is here to listen, support, coach and consult on any aspect of congregational life, including challenges and successes in your ministries. We also connect congregational leaders to share wisdom and experiences with each other through learning opportunities and gatherings throughout the year.
For more information, visit the New England Region website.
Visit the workshops and webinars page.