First Parish Blog

Between Us – UU Common Read

By , October 29, 2023

Every year we Unitarian Universalists designate a book as our Common Read. In a Common Read, individuals and book reading groups read that book over the course of the year. This allows for conversation and the hearing of different points of view, which is the best way to learn new ideas. Here is some information to explore the history of the UUA Common Read:

One of the questions I have been asked over the years is why does injustice and brokenness persist? We work for peace, and violence continues. We work against prejudices and racism, but sexism and homophobia continue to divide us and result in brokenness and divided communities.

This year’s UU Common Read is On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg (Beacon Press, 2022), who provides a perspective that we should take seriously.

Rabbi Ruttenberg makes it clear that wrongdoing causes damage and harm – and we must require that the damage be addressed and repaired. The North American cultural practice of “forgive and forget” means we never address violence and wrongdoing. It is then no surprise that such behavior is continued down to the next generation and so on. To quote the Beacon Press promo for this book “On Repentance and Repair invites readers of any faith to explore practices for accountability that can bring us into wholeness and really make a difference in our personal, community, and national relationships.”

We will be organizing some discussions of Rabbi Ruttenberg’s book for late winter/early spring and asking how we can build a culture of right relationship and accountability. See me during the social hour after church if you are interested in making this commitment.

Rev. Clyde

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