I was in a training for life coaches once upon a time many years ago when I first heard the metaphoric phrase “it’s a marathon, not a sprint – and runners train differently for marathons than they do for sprints.” The nature of these times in our larger world, and for some of us in
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… And Where Do Our Ministers Go Over the Summer? Rev. Clyde and Rev. Michelle extend their thanks to each of you and to the Parish Committee for the work we have done together over this past year. We are grateful that the Parish Committee finds our ministry valuable and that we will be continuing
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How closely do we pay attention to our bodies as energetic systems? I used to take my body very much for granted when I was younger – it seemed like my body was a perpetual reservoir of energy! I also lacked understanding of and/or sensitivity to others who didn’t seem to have the same reservoir
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The questions I’m asked most frequently when people discover that I’m in the ordination process are simply: How does that work? or How long does that take? And the answer is that this process has a lot of steps! Compared to most other denominations, our process is definitely on the more involved end of the
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When I was young, say going on 7 years, I remember my grandparents would ask me to remember “our ancestors — who are dancing for you.” I was told they had persisted in the times of danger, that they had walked in the good way. Their lives were a blessing on us who lived now.
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March 8th is International Women’s Day, a day of commemoration and celebration that was born in the USA and is celebrated in many countries with big parades and rallies. It began in New York City on March 8, 1857, when female garment workers protested unfair working conditions and unequal rights for women. News of the
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Rev. Clyde came to know and respect the work of the Louis D. Brown Peace Institute through my own engagement with them. For nearly 18 years, I led an urban youth ministry program known as Stand High/Stand United with the Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry in Boston. I was a young white adult, only age 29,
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It’s hard to believe, but this upcoming month marks exactly three-quarters of the way through my time with you all in Canton. (But don’t get ready to say goodbye just yet! I’ll still be here through the summer, and I’m really looking forward to it!) As I move into this final period of my internship,
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A congregation is a voluntary organization; that is the employed staff function to facilitate the work of the organization, yet most of the activity and functions are performed by member volunteers. Ideally the members and staff are guided by a common mission and vision. In the middle of the last century there were more members
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I am very excited to report that our OWL program has officially taken flight! Our Whole Lives, as you’ve probably heard me say many times throughout my internship, is, as the UUA puts it, “sexuality education that fosters informed, responsible, and values-based decisions about sexual health and behavior.” Unitarian Universalists have been at the forefront
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