I am so pleased to be starting my third month with you all at First Parish! As part of every UUA internship, the Ministerial Intern is advised by an Intern Committee, and I’m happy to announce that after meeting with several of you, we now have an official committee put together. I look forward to
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On opening Sunday of this church year I was asked by a congregant, “what are you going to do to grow First Parish?” I suggested that I could do very little, but together we could do quite a lot. So the question might be rephrased. What are we going to do to prepare for growth?
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I am new to the congregation so I am still learning your ways. But I observe that the First Parish in Canton is in transition. For near three years the congregation was in pandemic mode, most operations and most activities were done online, or in small groups, and the staff worked from home. Now we
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Displayed on the meetinghouse at First Parish Unitarian Universalist-Canton on Washington Street are two flags: the Progressive Pride flag and the Black Lives Matter flag. Says Diana Levy, chair of the Welcoming Congregation Committee, “Our denomination has a long history of support for justice and equality and recognizes the inherent worth of each person and
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FPUU Canton has again been designated by the UUA as a Welcoming Congregation due to our renewal efforts. Part of the renewal process includes continuing to increase our awareness of issues impacting the GLBTQ community so that we can truly become a more welcoming place of worship and spiritual renewal. One aspect of this learning
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During this time of isolation and virtual gatherings with little or no informal in-person connections, we need to be even more intentional in showing our appreciation. Have you read an inspiring article in the First Parish newsletter? Did the article give you a new perspective, a smile, something valuable to do as you isolate? Did
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Lots of great ideas come up at meetings and in conversations. Now is the time to take the next step, and here are some tips from your Interpersonal Relations team. Come up with an idea! Decide if you want to spend some time getting this idea to become a reality. Just raising an idea and
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The other day a co-worker recommended I check out this TED Talk by Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation: https://www.ted.com/talks/celeste_headlee_10_ways_to_have_a_better_conversation I liked the way Celeste summarized the topic by saying “Be prepared to be amazed.” Very often when I have been in conversation with someone, another thought enters my mind, and I
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